To maximize ministry participation and success
To help members feel more welcomed, engaged, empowered, valued, supported, generous and receptive to your teaching?
To develop a richer, deeper sense of community by improving communication among members and helping them get to know one another
To make attending your church more valuable... more compelling... so that members attend more often and for longer periods of time.
To empower members to evangelize and attract others to your church
To fast-track acceptance with a program that is quickly understood, accepted, valued and perhaps even celebrated by members
To improve website performance and effectiveness by harnessing proven Internet strategies
To give church-goers a compelling reason to register for your church other than just to tithe
To introduce new members to the community and celebrate the contribution from featured members
To increase loyalty and collections
To empower leaders to make a greater positive impact
To streamline and empower church workflow, communications and data management.
To minimize attrition while fueling stability and growth
To better identify community needs and attract community resources to fulfill those needs
To encourage spiritual growth beyond Sunday service by providing opportunities for growth all week
To listen and respond to what church-goers are saying
To tap into your flock's potential
To address some of our church's major challenges
To motivate, empower and reward members for doing good in this world
To empower the fight for right... for God