Living Bulletin®

 Church Pilot Program    Building the Body of Christ

The Ministry Helpers
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    For Church Leaders Building the Body of Christ  

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"To equip the holy ones for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ."

Ephesians 4:12

Extra Motivation

"Evil triumphs when good men and women to do nothing."

More and more people are drifting away from religion, contributing to a growing sense of evil in this world.

Nobody wants evil to win. So, what can we "do" to help goodness triumph?

One great way is to lead by example... to follow Christ's teachings and lift up a life filled with works... to live like a shining city in the hill!

The Living Bulletin™ helps members find, organize and communicate Christian opportunities so good works are easier and more likely to happen.

Wouldn't it be great to lead by example and live your life like a shining city on a hill, filled with good works?

Consider this:

"Throughout all of history, tens of millions of people have fought fiercely and suffered greatly to overcome evil and win freedom. Countless millions have died for these important causes.

After so much sacrifice has been made for such noble causes, do we not have a moral obligation to fight just as fiercely for good purposes? We MUST dedicate our lives and our hard-won freedom to combating evil and help make the world a better place!"

Now you can offer your people much more than the old way of doing things.