Living Bulletin®

 Church Pilot Program    Building the Body of Christ

The Ministry Helpers
How can our Ministry Serve your Ministry?
    For Church Leaders Building the Body of Christ  

More Content  ·  More Features  ·  More Reach  ·  Easier to Produce

"To equip the holy ones for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ."

Ephesians 4:12

To Address Important Challenges

There are so many people are in need... as a community, there must be a better, more systematic way to uncover needs and apply resources to address those needs.

Challenge Research shows that people are drifting away from our churches and our Christian faith.

Analysis There has got to be a better way to help people feel more deeply connected and experience the benefits of Christianity.
Solution! Christians Helping Christians makes it easier and more rewarding to live as a Christian. Let's shine our light from the top of the hill and attract people to our beautiful faith!

Challenge Preachers do a great job of motivating us to help one another. However, when we walk out of church, the opportunity to help each other isn't so apparent. As we drive home, the desire fades into the background and we often fail to take action.

Analysis There has got to be a better way to capture this motivation as it occurs.
Solution! Enrich our Christian experience with the Living Bulletin's interactive tools to help people get better connected and follow the needs of our church community.

Challenge There is a reluctance to give to charity due to the high cost of charitable operations.

Analysis Charities often have high overhead costs which lead to a small percentage of donations actually reaching the intended recipient. Why can't this percentage be much larger?
Solution! Use technology to dramatically improve the giving process. By pass the middle man and give directly to those in by need using Churchcoin™.

Challenge There is a pent up demand for helping each other and doing good because people have heard of all the scams and misuse of donations… most charities see only pennies on the dollar going to help others. People really want to help more, they just don't get connected.

Analysis This dynamic has truly devastating consequences because we fail to live up to our Christian potential. People in need don't get the help they need and so many people fail to get the benefit from living a life filled with charity.
Solution! Use the Living Bulletin and Christians Helping Christians to connect people in need directly with people who have the time or resources to meet those needs

Challenge The church is made up of the people, not the building. How come the church bulletins contain so very little about the people who make up the church?

Analysis This approach to church communications is antiquated and failing. People aren't able to develop that rich sense of connection to their church they desire. It's almost like they are kept in the dark. As a result, attrition and migration away from our church is far more likely to occur.
Solution! Implement the Living Bulletin and offer each person the opportunity to easily post their own content. Easily include information about new parishioners, featured parishioners, community needs, prayers requests and so much more.

Challenge I've sat just a few pews away from the same people at church for years, yet, I haven't gotten to know them any better. How can I quickly learn more about the people of my congregation and develop closer connections? How do I find out who shares my same interests? Who has the talents I can rely on to help me succeed?

Analysis Wow. The people of each church offer a great deal of talent and potential for relationships. The current answer is to say, let's have an event and hope people get to know each other better. What if we could improve communication in such a way as to increase connections by 10%? ...50%? ...100%? Wouldn't it be worth it?
Solution! Networking with a Higher Purpose through Christians Helping Christians. Learn more about and get better connected to the spiritual essence and talents of the people in your church.

Challenge It can be hard to get people to sign up to help your ministry.

Analysis Even if they are interested, people are often reluctant to call or email, because they don't know exactly what they're getting themselves into. Instead of getting a few general sentences about your ministry, wouldn't it be nice if you could deliver content they can take immediate action on?
Solution! Deploy the interactive tools built into the Living Bulletin… to empower people to follow and volunteer for your ministry with just a click of the mouse.

Challenge It's challenging to promote and attract attention to your ministry.

Analysis Right. Many ministries don't have a lot of money or resources to spare for marketing.
Solutions! Solution A: We'll promote your ministry through the Living Bulletin, reaching all the member Christians in the area.

Solution B: We'll promote your ministry through your local Christians Helping Christians.

Solution C: We'll partner with your church to distribute the Living Bulletin to your fellow parishioners.

Challenge Ministry leaders often spend a good portion of their time on administrative tasks, rather than in the field.

Analysis It's hard enough to contribute time to running a ministry without making it harder on yourself! Why not work smart and use technology to leverage your time and impact? You do want to maximize your success, right?
Solution! That's why we built so many tools to streamline your administrative efforts... making it fast and easy to start and run a ministry. With The Ministry Assistant, you'll be able to manage most aspects of your ministry from one location. (Manage and promote meetings, events and activities, operate a home page, send email broadcasts, send invitations, etc.)

Challenge Once you've found people to help with your ministry, how will you reward them, keep them involved, and help them get the most out of the experience?

Analysis God gives grace to those who help out, that's true. But sometimes, this is just not enough to motivate people to go the extra mile. Why can't we build each other up in each other's eyes by giving credit where credit is due? Why can't we make the experience even more pleasant and productive for participants?
Solutions! Solution A: Enrich the ministry experience with enhanced networking... give each volunteer a complete profile and then promote their interests and talents to others in the community. Help them get to fellow volunteers in more meaningful ways.

Solution B: Quickly and easily publish each volunteer's service history and post commendations to their profile. Nominate them as featured members of Christians Helping Christians.

Challenge Keeping track of the people involved with your ministry can often be time consuming... resulting in extra administrative tasks.

Analysis Administrative work can be a drag. Wouldn't it be nice to maximize the time we can spend on truly impactful activities? Why waste time when you don't have to? The smarter we work, the more successful our ministry will be.
Solution! Use our integrated contact management system to streamline all your efforts. Plus, we'll make it easy for the next person to step right in and pick up where you left off... when you are ready to move on.

Challenge The internet makes many, many evil influences just one click away.

Analysis This reality causes relatively new problems to our society. It can be very destructive, especially to relationships and to our youth during their formative years. If you could do something about it, would you?
Solution! Let's take the fight to the internet by providing a great resource designed to support, encourage and reward our community for living as Christ calls us to live.

Challenge Producing the church bulletin each week takes time and money.

Analysis It must be a drag to spend your time and life's energy producing a document that has such limited impact. There has got to be a better way!
Solution! Save time and publish great content by using the Living Bulletin App. Empower ministry leaders and the congregation to post their own content. Use the Living Bulletin as an opportunity to more fully serve your congregation, build community and increase the value of participating in your church. You might even generate more revenue in the process!

Now you can offer your people much more than the old way of doing things.