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  Our Technology

Based on technology used by some of the largest tradeshows in the country, the Living Bulletin® leverages technology for the greater good. Our technology makes it possible to dramatically minimize costs while maximizing postive impact in the community.
1.) Thanks to a large contribution from our original donor family, the considerable up-front expense to bring the technolgy to life has already been made. No return on investment is required for that significant investment.
2.) Each member is empowered with self-service admin areas. So, they save time and money by performing many tasks themselves.
3.) Technology is universal. So, members can access the platform from anywhere.
4.) Our administrators access many tools and reports. So, they are empowered to quickly and easily do their work from anywhere.
5.) Modern banking technology working in harmony with our propritary use of Churchcoin®, make it possible to quickly get donations directly to intended members in need.
6.) Technology empowers us to report back to donors as contributions are distributed. So, trust is established.
7.) Social media tools are deployed to dramatically improve communication among members, staff and the community we serve.

The Living Bulletin is offered by:
The Ministry Helpers™
Our Ministry is to Serve your Ministry™

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