Living Bulletin®

 Church Pilot Program    Building the Body of Christ

The Ministry Helpers
How can our Ministry Serve your Ministry?
    For Parishioners
Fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you.  

Let's Shine Brighter!™

"..your light must shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your heavenly Father." Matthew 5:16

Churches offering the Living Bulletin® enjoy the opportunity to help their followers live more like Christ wishes for us to live and become brighter lights "shining on the hill."

How? By empowering members to interact with other each other in meaningful ways while getting to know each other and supporting each other along life's journey. It also helps people feel included, welcomed, listended to, valued, supported, loved and fulfilled.
Imagine for a Moment.
What if we could...

  • Develop a deeper sense of belonging?
  • Get to know each other better?
  • Do a better job of supporting each other?
  • Lift each other up in prayer more?
  • Learn more about the people in the pews around us?
  • Exchange more warm smiles?
  • Inspire and motivate each other better?
  • Evangelize and share our faith more effectively?
  • Learn more from each other's experiences?
  • Better help those in need within our own church?
  • Serve alongside each other more in ministry?
  • Visit each other more frequently when we are sick?
  • Benefit from the wisdom of members with experience?
  • Share our wisdom with those who need direction and support?
  • Share economic opportunties with fellow members?
  • Get the help we need from within our church?

Church offering the Living Bulletin® give their members all these opportunities.