Living Bulletin®

 Church Pilot Program    Building the Body of Christ

The Ministry Helpers
How can our Ministry Serve your Ministry?
  The Natural Evolution of the Printed Bulletin™

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Includes Hundreds of Free Software Apps for Church Communities


Pope Francis encourages our church to "use fresh energy and imagination" to address "the revolution taking place in communications media."   The Living Bulletin® offers an answer to his challenge.

The Living Bulletin® streamlines work-flow and reduces printing costs, while increasing ways to serve, connect and communicate with parishioners.

Parishioner better connect to the love, power, and fellowship church communities offer.

We are people of the "age of communication." Communicating using the old printed bulletin is like pouring new wine into old wine skins. Why risk having our souls whither away when we can connect in meaningful ways and come together more consistently as a community?

"Social media is fundamentally changing how people communicate.
Our Church can not ignore it."
USCCB's Social Media Guidelines

Help your church...
    Increase attendance
    Increase offerings
    Empower its members
    Increase service & faith
    Experience an elevated community
    Be more effective teachers
   Empower your members to be...

"Fan into flame the gift of God within us."   Timothy 1:6

Churches are amazing and perform truly invaluable work. Would it be interesting if there was an easy way to help your followers feel better connected, more welcomed, extra generous and remarkably receptive to your teachings?     Read More ▼