Living Bulletin®

 Church Pilot Program    Building the Body of Christ

The Ministry Helpers
How can our Ministry Serve your Ministry?
    For Church Leaders Building the Body of Christ  

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"To equip the holy ones for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ."

Ephesians 4:12

Anonymous Survey Responses

"I would like to be informed of people in our parish that are ill or in need of some kind of help."

"By making these things available CC will better serve the tech savvy population..."

"Need information on clubs, chairs of these clubs, meeting dates, etc.."

"Publish the Sunday handout as an interactive emailed newsletter.."

"What you're thinking of sounds good. Anything you can do to connect younger parishioners, from grade school to 20's will probably help build a stronger church community.."

"You mention a more interactive bulletin and church website, I think these would be excellent areas to begin with.."

"I think just having a great up to date, interactive website where people can use and share information is great.."

"An online parish directory with contact information would be great - to be used by people with logins/passwords.."

"I think the interactive aspect, in particular for the Bulletin would be great. So many ways to have it be useful for the congregation and to have people feel more connected.."

"Would like to receive from CC links to articles and other information of interest to Catholics.."

"I think having parishioners sign up on the website with their email addresses could allow for email blasts that would be helpful. ."

"You can touch many more parishioners w/ a lot less effort since majority of the people are connected to their emails at some point through out their day.."

"Would be nice to have an automated email blast system that updates you on any changes and parish activities.."

"I would like to see updates on all activities the Church is involved with, Missions, fund raising, etc.."

"I think that it would be very helpful for the ministries such as the Legion of Mary if there was some interactive link.We are always wanting to know if parishioners would like visits to their homes or hospital or nursing home rooms and if they (or family members) had that capability to dial in with us, we would very much appreciate it. As it is now, we operate our call list largely through word-of-mouth.."

"Include a part of the site that serves to match people with needs to volunteers who might be willing to fill those needs. Example: Mr. X has a doctor's appointment in Santa Monica on ___day at __o'clock. Needs a ride. Example: Ms. X needs to have a lightbulb in the ceiling replaced.."

"Provide a directory of parishioners."

Now you can offer your people much more than the old way of doing things.