Living Bulletin®

 Church Pilot Program    Building the Body of Christ

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    For Church Leaders Building the Body of Christ  

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"To equip the holy ones for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ."

Ephesians 4:12

To Address People's Needs

Want people to be more recptive to your teaching? How about we address some common sentiments that occur when people make the effort to attend.

"I feel alone in the crowd and disconnected from everyone in the church."

"I feel like no one is introducing me or anyone... that no one is reaching out or cares all that much, they just seem to busy."

"I'd like to learn all about the new members and welcome them to the community."

"I feel like churches are missing an opportunity to encourage, acknowledge and reward people serving in ministry. How come we don't learn more about them, their efforts and their lives?"

"I feel like no one is celebrating my own gifts, talents and interests."

"I'd like to hire people in the church to help me with my work and house tasks, but I have no idea what talents God has given any of them."

"After years of attending on Sundays, I still don't know the people in the pews around me."

"I'd like to feel much better connected to the community, but I don't know how."

"I'd love to learn the stories of faith from other people around me. Right now, it's only the leader talking."

"I have a hard time finding anything on the church website."

"The preacher is supposedly my spiritual leader, but I need more from them than a few words on Sundays."

"Life is filled with big decisions. I'd love to be able to lean on the wisdom and experience of fellow members, but don't know anything about them."

"I'd love to be better connected to the church community all week, not just on Sundays."

"The church leader is the tip of the spear in our fight against darkness. But, I feel like they are always busy and my needs are an inconvenience to them."

"I'd like to be a better evangelist, but my church does not provide any tools to do it."

"I feel unfulfilled and disconnected after the church experience."

"I have a desire for community, but the church leaves that up to me. There's no support for making it happen, other than donuts after service."

"I feel like church motivates me to help people in need, but I walk out of the building and have no idea where to put that motivation into practice."

"Life is hard sometimes. I'd love give and get more support and develop connections through prayer."

"I feel like the reason churches ask me to register is to collect money. Why can't they offer more in exchange? It strikes me as disingenuous."

"I feel like churches use scripture to teach of that giving to the needy is a good thing and then pass the plate. I feel surprised churches don't make more of an effort to connect the local needy with our help. Again, it strikes me as disingenuous." "I feel like the church website fails to live up to its potential. I can't even click to connect to anything or anyone."

"Why can't the church send me the bible verses for Sunday ahead of time, so we can study, discuss and be prepared to learn form them."

"I feel like church leaders drop the ball for me and things are very impersonal. They get so busy. Why don't they trust their flock to do more?

"I feel like churches need a members only area of their website, to serve the ongoing needs of their congregation and help them interact."

"I feel like recent technologies are attracting my attention and pulling me away from church. I feel like it is too bad churches choose not to compete."

"I feel like all that church leaders' focus on having people show up on Sundays and give an offering. If that happens, they are happy. I feel like there should be far more to our faith."

"I feel like if my church leaders don't care much about my faith more than just on Sundays, how should I?"

"I feel like churches are missing a HUGE opportunity to serve the faithful all week long."

"I feel like churches could do far more to develop my loyalty to them. As a result, one church isn't much different than another."

"Like most people, I move from job to job every few years. I feel like it is hard to develop a sense of community at each new church. Why don't churches make it easier for me?"

"I feel like putting God's words into practice is amazing. I'd love more opportunities to serve."

"I feel like we as a church community are falling short of the vision Christ shared for us."

"I feel like the bulletin often makes me interested in an activity or ministry, but the interest fades quickly after church. I feel like the church could do a better job of identifying and putting our spiritual gifts and interests to work."

"I've offered a lot of services during my lifetime. I feel like churches could offer more service to their congregations."

"With the decrease in religious beliefs, I feel like it is more important than ever for churches to find better ways lead our faith communities. Business as usual doesn't seem to be working all that great!"

Now you can offer your people much more than the old way of doing things.